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[BaekJoon] 26561번 : Population (Python) 본문
코딩 1일 1문제! 오늘의 문제는 백준의 Population 입니다.
26561번: Population
The first line of input will contain a single integer n that indicates the number of lines to follow. Each line will consist of two integers, p and t, where p is the beginning population, and t is the amount of time that will pass. Both p and t will be bet
👨🏻💻 코드 ( Solution )
def population(begin_num, time):
plus_num = time // 4
minus_num = time // 7
return begin_num + plus_num - minus_num
if __name__ == "__main__":
for _ in range(int(input())):
begin_num, time = map(int, input().split())
print(population(begin_num=begin_num, time=time))
GitHub - SOMJANG/CODINGTEST_PRACTICE: 1일 1문제 since 2020.02.07
1일 1문제 since 2020.02.07. Contribute to SOMJANG/CODINGTEST_PRACTICE development by creating an account on GitHub.
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