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[leetCode] 1009. Complement of Base 10 Integer (Python) 본문
[leetCode] 1009. Complement of Base 10 Integer (Python)
솜씨좋은장씨 2021. 1. 31. 00:07
Every non-negative integer N has a binary representation. For example, 5 can be represented as "101" in binary, 11 as "1011" in binary, and so on. Note that except for N = 0, there are no leading zeroes in any binary representation.
The complement of a binary representation is the number in binary you get when changing every 1 to a 0 and 0 to a 1. For example, the complement of "101" in binary is "010" in binary.
For a given number N in base-10, return the complement of it's binary representation as a base-10 integer.
Example 1:
Input: 5
Output: 2
Explanation: 5 is "101" in binary, with complement "010" in binary, which is 2 in base-10.
Example 2:
Input: 7
Output: 0
Explanation: 7 is "111" in binary, with complement "000" in binary, which is 0 in base-10.
Example 3:
Input: 10
Output: 5
Explanation: 10 is "1010" in binary, with complement "0101" in binary, which is 5 in base-10.
- 0 <= N < 10^9
- This question is the same as 476: https://leetcode.com/problems/number-complement/
class Solution:
def bitwiseComplement(self, N: int) -> int:
return int("".join(list(map(str, [1-num for num in list(map(int, list(str(bin(N))[2:])))]))), 2)

1일 1문제 since 2020.02.07. Contribute to SOMJANG/CODINGTEST_PRACTICE development by creating an account on GitHub.
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